Share big files. Unlimited size. 100% secure. 100% privacy. 100% free.
Teapotnet allows you to share and save for yourself big folders and files. Unlike Dropbox or Google Drive, there is no size limit and your data is not stored in any server farm. The cherry on top of the cake? It's free as in freedom!

Leave social databases. Teapotnet reinvents social networking.
Your files become social! You can integrate the files you want to share directly in the Teapotnet social network. Contrary to Facebook or Instagram, Teapotnet is built as a real network, not a database, and we do not and cannot keep a copy of your personal information on our servers. Therefore, your personal information cannot be sold or spied by anyone. Of course, it means no more so-called personalized annoying ads!

Stream music or video directly on your browser or your phone.
With Teapotnet, you can stream all the music and videos your friends share, directly on your phone or on your browser. You can also choose the media files you want to access offline, just like in Spotify.

Sets up in a few seconds. As simple as making a cup of tea.
Teapotnet has been designed to be used by everybody. Download and install Teapotnet, invite your friends and share!
Download Teapotnet

Standalone version for Microsoft Windows
Useful if you don't have administrator rights on your computer.

The package teapotnet-git is available on AUR.
If you use Yaourt:
$ yaourt -S teapotnet-git

Teapotnet is available as a PPA for Ubuntu:
$ sudo add-apt-repository ppa:paullouisageneau/teapotnet
$ sudo apt-get update

The source code should compile on any recent POSIX-compliant system.
Please contact us on Twitter if you encounter a problem.
The Teapotnet Team
Paul-Louis Ageneau
Paul-Louis holds a degree in computer science and is currently a PhD candidate at Télécom ParisTech. His thesis deals with wireless network coding issues. He is pretty amazing when it comes to cryptography and/or solving tricky network problems.
From the first day he had his hands on a keyboard, he was very involved in the free software movement. As a teenager, his very first project was called Skypirates, an online combat flight game with steampunk-designed aircraft. In fact, he enjoys steampunk universes pretty much (you can tell by his pocket watch and his awesome steampunk coffee machine).
The whole Teapotnet network and security system is his idea. Currently, he is the lead developer for anything that requires thinking about network design or security.
Antoine Roussel
Antoine has a degree in statistics.
He began using free operating systems at age 13 with an Open-BSD v3.3 CD he had found in a magazine, and thought it was a hard price to pay for freedom :) ! Fortunately he found friends to help him begin with more user-friendly distributions, and for then he lived happily ever after in freedom land. He also is kind of a basketball nerd (frustrated fan of the Orlando Magic since 1995), and has dreams about moving back to the Alps where he could easily gaze at the sky any time of the year.